Family Service & Guidance Center invites parents and caregivers to attend “Real-World Parenting,” a series of free monthly presentations offering practical information and real-world help for raising healthier, happier children and teens.
“For parents, watching your child struggle with behavioral and social issues can be heartbreaking,” said Brenda Mills, Family Service & Guidance Center CEO. “Our goal is to give parents tools and information that works.”
Real-World Parenting Series programs are offered on Thursday nights from 6:30-8 p.m. at Family Service & Guidance Center, 327 S.W. Frazier Ave. They’re open to the public.
Upcoming presentations include:
• April 18 – Helping Your Child Conquer Anxiety
• May 16 – Screen Time: Your Kids and Social Media, May 16
• June 20 – Parenting Made Less Stressful: Conscious Discipline
• July 18 – Helping Your Child Deal with Divorce
• August 1 – Beyond the ABCs: Getting Ready for Kindergarten (presented at the Kansas Children’s Discovery Center, 4400 S.W. 10th Ave.)
“Helping Your Child Conquer Anxiety, will be offered Thursday, April 18. Parents will learn to identify anxiety, the basics of how it’s treated and what they can do to help a child conquer it. To register for this presentation, click here.
For information on registering for future presentations, follow FSGC’s Facebook page (facebook.com/FSGCtopeka). For more information on the Real-World Parenting Series or any of FSGC’s programs or services, contact Pam Evans, FSGC Director of Marketing & Development, at 785.232.7902 or pevans@fsgctopeka.com.